About Us

Welcome to JB Armament

Founded in 2019 - Serving our Community.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Proud to be Veteran Owned.

Founded in 2019, JB Armament is a Veteran owned and operated gun store located in New Bern, North Carolina. We focus on gun sales, silencer sales, accessories and FFL transfers. We utilize the most popular wholesale distributors to get you exactly what you are looking for at the most competitive price. We will earn your business and build a long lasting relationship for all your future gun needs. We follow strict federal guidelines on purchases and transfers. Please know your local laws prior to purchasing. We require FFL to FFL transfer for all guns being shipped. All local purchases will require a CCW permit or background check. All products are subject to availability. We have the right to refuse service to anyone. We put orders in as needed. Give us a shot to earn your business!


Looking for something not listed on our page? Send me a message and let me earn your business. I GUARANTEE I will match or beat any local competitors price and have it in our inventory within 2 days if ordered by 11 AM EST.


We only work with the best.

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